GeoRem International offers holistic solutions for the prevention, identification and cleanup of surface and subsurface pollution.
Methodologies can be classed into the following main groups:
Physical contaminant and matrix removal
Pump &Treat and Vacuum Enhanced Recovery
Surface and ex situ methods, e.g. landfarming or biopiles
Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and Sparging
Enhanced Aerobic and Anaerobic Bioremediation
Intrinsic Bioremediation through Monitored
Natural Attenuation
Chemical Remediation – Oxidation , Reduction or Stabilization
Every remediation solution we supply is tailor made to suit site specific and client requirements. Our risk-based approach ensures that appropriate remediation targets are set with the client and their advisors

Pump & Treat
Pump and Treat
Pump and treat solutions generally entail the installation of a network of pumps to recover free phase and/or dissolved phase contamination from groundwater. The recovered liquids are then separated and the extracted treated to appropriate standards for release or re-use. GeoRem makes use of a variety of pumps and treatment options. For hydrocarbon contaminants intrinsically safe piston or bladder pumps are used in a variety of configurations. For free phase recovery, self adjusting Specific Gravity intake skimmers are used in conjunction with either a piston or bladder pump depending on site geohydrology.
We make use of advanced treatment processes including separation, absorption, ion exchange and Advanced Oxidation to treat the recovered effluent stream
SVE and Sparging
Soil vapor extraction and sparging is generally used to treat volatile contaminants. “Sparging” entails the forced injection of air into the subsurface soil. Volatile contaminants coming into contact with this air evaporates into the injected air. The partitioned or stripped contaminants are then drawn upward through and collected at the soil vapor extraction (SVE) points. The air is then either released or piped to a SVE treatment system (depending on the level of contamination of the released air, local environmental sensitivity and legislation).
SVE and Sparing can be used independently or in conjunction with other technologies.

Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and Sparging

Vacuum Enhanced Recovery
Vaccuum Enhanced Recovery (VER)
Vacuum Enhanced Recovery or Multiphase extraction is used to enhance the recovery of free or dissolved phase contamination and volatile organic compounds in soil gas. A variety of equipment is used to induce the vacuum and transport the liquid phase to the surface. For low vacuum – high volume applications, regenerative blowers are used. For higher vacuum applications liquid ring vacuum pumps are used. VER can be applied on a continuous basis at a site with a fixed or container based system, or event based using our mobile units.
When VER is used with a downwell pump to assist in the recovery of liquids, it is often referred to as Multiphase Extraction or MPE. This is used at sites with deeper groundwater or where significant levels of LNAPL is encountered (LNAPL’s are Light Non Aqueous Phase Liquids such as oils and fuels. that float on groundwater).
Enhanced Bioremediation
Naturally occurring organisms in soil and groundwater break down a large range of organic contaminants. Through enhanced bioremediation these organisms are provided with an environment where they can grow and break down contaminants at a higher rate. This is done by the addition of oxygen (either through sparging or oxygen releasing compounds) and nutrients. A variety of other environmental factors may be manipulated to enhance the natural processes breaking down pollutants.
GeoRem has undertaken several bioremediation projects, treating up to 20 000 cubic meters of hydrocarbon contaminated soil . Bioremediation can be undertaken in situ or ex situ depending on site conditions and client requirements. Our Microbiologists determine the required amendments and are able to monitor biological action throughout the project, providing feedback on any further amendments or treatment that will be required. Amendments used include microbial and enzyme additives, nutrients, stimulants and oxygen releasing compounds.

Enhanced Bioremediation

Chemical Remediation and ISCO
Chemical Remediation and ISCO
Chemical remediation involves the addition or injection of specific chemical compounds to break down or neutralize contaminants. A wide variety of processes and reactions are available, depending on contaminant chemistry and receiving environment. These may include: Oxidation / Reduction, Neutralization, Stabilization, Solidification or Mobilization.
GeoRem has undertaken several In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) projects for the treatment of lighter fraction hydrocarbon products including fuels and solvents.
Working with our technology partners at Evonik Active Oxygens (Previously known as Peroxychem), we can provide significant technical backup and experience for any scale of ISCO project.
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