Long-Duration Sampling Of Indoor And Ambient Air

Long-Duration Sampling Of Indoor And Ambient Air

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Long-Duration Sampling of Indoor and Ambient Air – Providing a More Accurate Risk Assessment Presented by Harry O’Neill Abstract: Passive sorbent sampling methods allow you to collect soil gas, indoor air, or ambient air samples over hours, days or weeks. The ability to collect time-integrated measurements over longer time periods than is possible with active methods (e.g., summa canisters or Tedlar bags), allows for time-weighted average measurements that may better represent actual risks when assessing vapor intrusion and provides greater sensitivity and accuracy to characterize sites. A discussion on the applications of passive samplers will be provided discussing both vapor intrusion and ambient air monitoring approaches, including best practices for designing surveys and collecting samples, as well as the advantages and limitations of various methods. Data will be provided that shows the precision and accuracy of the method, including comparisons to samples collected in summa canisters.    

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